Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Tools to help teaching

The three tools that interest me are “Worksheet generator (http://www.tefl.net/worksheet-generator/)”, “Essay marking tool (http://www.paperrater.com/)”, and “Classmarker (https://www.classmarker.com/)”. Why? Because I think, those tools will be very helpful to me for in my teaching process. Those three tools are used to assess students, whether assess their lesson understanding or their honesty or their improvement. Another reason is because those three tools are easy and free to access.
The first tool is “Worksheet generator”. Why do I interest in this tool? Because I think that this tool is very useful to make worksheets for my students. This is the easier way to make a worksheet. I can also print it out to give to my students. Then, if I am in hurry to prepare the lesson, I can easily create it with this tool. The second tool is “Essay marking tool”. I don’t know what to say about this tool because this tool is very very very useful and helpful. With this tool I can easily assess the students’ writing work like checking the grammar and detecting plagiarism on their work. This tool is saving my time on assessing their writing works. And because of that I can do another thing I need to do. The third tool is “Classmarker”. This tool is a tool that I can use for quiz or midterm exam or final exam. With this tool, I can manage my exam questions as I pleased. This tool also will give directly score to students’ answers.

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